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July 1, 2013

I’m actually making these to go with another recipe (Cajun chicken Alfredo). I wanted to make some proper garlic bread so thought I’d go all out and make baguettes.

There simple enough to make and only have 4 ingredients so theses no excuses not to have a go…

500g of strong white bread flour
10g salt
10g active yeast
370ml of water

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Place the yeast in the water and set aside for 10 ish minutes. Meanwhile weigh out the flour and salt and get them in a stand mixer ready to add the yeast and water mixture.

Once the mixture has frothed up a little, set the mixer on a low speed and slowly pour it in till it all comes together and forms a dough. You might not need all of the water, however you might need a little more. Your looking for a slightly wet dough but not too sticky. Keep it going for a good 5-10 mins until it becomes smooth and elastic. Transfer out into a square dish or bowl that’s been coated in olive oil, cover, and leave to prove until doubled in size.

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Once proved, coat your worktop in a little more oil and being as gentle as you can turn it out onto the surface. Usually with bread you’d “knock it back” getting all of the air back out of it but this time were not going to. Baguettes have a lot of aeration in the texture so all we need to do it cut it into 4 and lightly roll them out just using the weight of your arms. Place on a sheet pan lined with baking parchment and leave to prove again for a couple of hours.

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Preheat the oven to 220 degrees C with a tray in the bottom. Lightly dust the baguettes with a touch of flour and make 3 slashes on each one with a sharp knife.

20130701-042414 PM.jpgPlace in the oven and before you close the door, tip a mug full of water into the tray. This will slightly steam the baguettes as they cook.
Bake for about 15-20 mins till there golden brown. Allow to cool on a wire rack.

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I’m going to cut mine and slather a load of homemade garlic butter on them to go with my Cajun chicken Alfredo but you can have them with anything you like.

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