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Rojo Onion Rings

July 11, 2013

Carrying on working through Guy Fieris cookbook I recently purchased was this little bad boy. I’ve always liked onion rings but these are like “off the hook” O rings as Guy would say. Just takes them to the next level.

I’ve altered the recipe surpluses to available ingredients but I’m pretty sure the final outcome is the same. Here’s the shopping list:

2 large onions
Carton of buttermilk
300ml of ketchup
150ml of hot sauce (I used Sriracha as recommended in the book)
Teaspoon of garlic powder
Teaspoon of onion granules
Oil for frying

First thing we need to do is cut the onions into thick ish “rings” about 1cm thick. Take a large bowl and mix the buttermilk with the onions and leave for half hour.

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Meanwhile mix the ketchup, hot sauce, garlic and onion powders together in a bowl and stir until combined. Get a further two bowls and place some seasoned flour in one and the breadcrumbs in the other. It’s best to get the bowls in order of buttermilk, flour, ketchup and hot sauce mixture and breadcrumbs. Dredge the onions well in the but milk, then flour, then sauce mix and then breadcrumbs and place on a wire rack till all the onions are done. Place in the fridge for half hour before frying.

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When ready to fry, heat the oil up to a pretty high temp, about 180 degrees C, and batch fry the onion rings for about 3 mins making sure there put on some kitchen towel when they come out to drain the excess oil.

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Sprinkle with a touch of salt and serve immediately with a preferred condiment (I like some more of the hot sauce!!!!)

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  1. Yes! Also I love sriracha and may be addicted to it, Is it normal to have it with your avocado on toast for breakfast?

  2. This looks great!

  3. Thanks!!! Give them a go.. Surprisingly easy to do. 🙂

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